
Help, I have a question and I need an answer

Like your own Help Center, the Help Center on the Zendesk website is designed to provide a complete self-service support option -- for your Help Center.

You can search our knowledge base and community for a solution, or ask community members directly. If you can't find an answer, you can submit a request to an agent. For more information, see the Zendesk Help Center.


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    Ginger Chock


    I purchased the Heart Core Power training from your site on June 25th.  I also purchased the meditation set to try it out as well.  However, after listening to the meditation recordings, I found that it is not what I want to use for my meditations, and would like to exercise my option for a refund.  

    Please let me know the process for my refund.  

    Thank you,

    Ginger Chock

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    Neville Higgs

    Please can you assist with what meditations that are available?

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